One day you woke up in the arms of a giant, singed and lolling in its arms. You thought of how nice it would be to stretch your legs, and it put you down. You had trouble walking and felt that maybe this was a hasty decision, it put you on its shoulders. And so on and so on until this point in this place. You are still learning and still making mistakes, but your companion is always there for you, to pick you up again.

- A compression suit
- A pouch containing interesting things you’ve found since you woke up, most notably a:
- stuffed animal, though it’s unclear what that animal is
- rubber ball that unerringly returns to the hand that throws it
- collection of small bones strung together to make a functional puppet. The strings are long enough to stretch to the floor from the shoulders of your Proxy
- small furry mammal which refuses to do as you say no matter how hard you think
- rusty pistolet with no energy, useful for pretending to shoot the wild animals your Proxy often defends you against
- crown you made from a bit of the scrap you woke up surrounded by. It has markings on it that you can’t read.
- A 7ft tall companion who is moved by your will alone:
Ceramic Proxy
Surgical white (or vividly coloured) plates form the skin of this bipedal behemoth, sliding over each other with the gentle sound of bare feet on sand. Someone made it with an eye to detail, every inch of it is an aesthetic treat. Always has 3 armour
Or an
Organic Proxy
To a casual observer it could be mistaken for a particularly large person, with a barrel chest, cabled arms and a square head. But once they spot those dull eyes it’s clear this is just a puppet. They are capable of speech, though only at your command.
Or a
Mechanical Proxy
An unsubtle conglomeration of articulated metal, its every movement grinds and twangs. This is a functional machine, made without the arrogance of a hominid form. It might be stooped and chicken-like, or a great wheel of arms and legs. Its form is up to you. Always counts as being armed with a weapon of your choice and has 3 skill in its use.
5 Strength
2 Climb
2 Run
2 Heal
2 Swim
2 Second Sight
1 Spell - Random (Table 5)
1 Spell - Random (Table 5)
The Child starts with 2 Skill and 8 Stamina and counts as an oversized item for inventory purposes when carried (they are rather small and feeble). The Proxy is rolled as you would a normal character. They both share a common Luck pool.
The Child may use their own Advanced Skills for any action the Proxy takes, including magic in which case they may also use its Stamina to cast it.
The Proxy ceases to function if it loses all Stamina, is out of sight of the child for more than an hour, or is encased in lead or silver.
The Proxy heals naturally like any other character, regardless of its construction. It can also be Healed (or repaired).
If the Child dies the Proxy ceases to function. If the proxy dies the child is very sad and lonely.