Universe as river rapids

The universe is tiered, I say, in sequence and descending, much as the river rapid. Each realm a shelf with tumbling water above and below, an easy descent and troubled return. This metaphor will serve us as we go on since the nature of the cosmos is beyond our capacity to comprehend in concrete terms and yet mimics the nature of the thing aptly.

In almost all posited models of the cosmos we place ourselves at the centre, or "0" realm. This is false! A microcosmic bias, bred by the rubbing together of small and libidinous minds! Pick any point and it could quite as justly claim for itself the centre, with it's own attitudes of praise and fear for above and below.

It is true, though I know a contentious issue, that as the stream flows further from the source its waters are muddied. Think now of our own subrealms, of the hellmouths dirbblings and the foul artefacts dredged up. Even the closest, primary subrealm is muddied beyond comparison to our own, a realm of hunger and predation, roiling life in conflict. Beyond that we know of deepening malevolence: the 4th dimensional of the secondary subrealm, the tyrannical body of Shamazm at the tertiary.

The model of the cosmos that I present suggests and source and a termination. TO both of these i SAY THERE ARe both.

the source is not a god, for gods are known to exist in realms close to our own and would be considered to be magnitudes removed from the headwaters. TO apply something so pedestrian as our concepts of consciousness and intent to something so removed would be pure arrogance.

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