Lechter the Frog Master hurls magic frogs at his opponents, each of which has a different effect on the person struck.  Make a d12 table of random magical effects an opponent suffers from being struck by a Lechter frog.

  1. Plugged and Purple Toad Sire: A large, ballooned, brown toad with a wooden stopper in its mouth. To use the Sire one must jam it firmly between ones legs and yank the plug out with a firm twisting-yanking action. If you aren't careful with your knee pressure a number of toads will spurt forth with great vigour towards your face (Lechter of course never make this mistake).
         Once unplugged the Toad Sire will generate and issue forth from its mouth medium sized purple toads en masse for several (d6) hours. Once unplugged the pressure makes it impossible to stop, either by re-plugging or stomping on it. It is impossible not to step on, and crush, these purple toads, making a radius of 1 metre per minute extremely slippery (test luck or acrobatics not to fall over instead of what you wanted to do).
         For the next 6 years the local insect population will be greatly diminished, but the purple frogs are delicious and breed readily, so the locals will likely learn to love them.
       The Sire, by the end of its spawning, will be a deflated sack of toad that only an expert anuromancer can regenerate and reseed.
  2.  Epulotic Natterjack: The natterjack is tacky to the touch, but not exactly sticky. Like ice, it has a strange adherence and is the reason Frog Masters wear striped cotton gloves at all times.
         When the natterjack comes into contact with flesh it begins to "burrow" itself in, much like a normal toad would in mud. The experience is not painful, nor is it permanent since the frog can leave at will. However one can find a multitude of uses, both beneficial and mischievous. For those with a good arm it can be lobbed into someones face, causing blindness, or suffocation, as it mingles with the face parts. For a more caring individual they could apply one to an open wound and apply a bandage so that the frog can't leave.
        Throw the toad to stick it to people. It does no damage unless with an aimed shot, and then it causes some sort of effect. The frog can also be used to stop bleeding and heal d6 Stamina.
  3. Warty Cynosure: The 

Alternative Ranged Combat In Troika

According to WW2 British officers, dodging and diving from projectiles doesn't help very much and the troops don't like it.

Shooting someone and hitting someone with a thing you are holding are fundamentally different. The shootee has no input in the exchange other than where they happen to be standing.

Consider cover in terms of 6ths of a person. For each 6th of a person covered by non-shootable scenery give the shooter -1 to their skill. So if someone wants to perforate me, but I'm merely sticking my head over a wall they would receive -5 to hit me.

Bob the Bowman has 5 Skill + 3 Bow Fighting - 5 for my cover = 3. He would need to roll a 3 or less to hit me in my curious head.

SHIELDS - Treat them like any other kind of cover

AIMING - Take a penalty to the shot as if the bits you don't want to shoot are covered.

PINNING - When rolling damage with ranged weapons that fire arrows or bolts or similar, if the die roll is even the projectile is stuck in you. It counts as an item for encumbrance purposes and deals d3 stamina damage to remove unless with a Heal test. Some weapons have a better chance of getting stuck in you, like javelins.

There you go +Oli Palmer

Foreign Friendly After Expo Expo

The Melsonian Arts Council was at the UK Games Expo last week, outside the labourers entrance next to the toilets. Unless you were banging for a piss or were that security guard sleeping by the emergency exit, then you probably missed us. I think it's only fair we give everyone another chance to get in here, give us all their money and see how handsome we are, but this time we'll include our hard done-by international customers.

  1. Go to www.melsonia.com
  2. Spend £27 and postage is free, a whole £1 saving on UKGE's entrance fee 'cos we love you more
  3. The password at checkout is GIMMETHATLANYARD
  4. Doors open now and close again on June 11th at 4pm.

It's a digital, invisible expo! Just without all those people and games and fun.

We've got 10ish copies of Troika! left, and general stocks of the Undercroft are looking thin. Everyone that buys something at the Expo Expo also gets one of my special convention badges included. THEY ARE MUCH COVETED!