These should be universally applied to all possible encounters regardless of attitude or anatomy


  1. Keeps a bit of dried alzabo brain in their cheek. Voice changes slightly as they talk
  2. Chews fragrent bark 
  3. Licka the back of their hands while thinking
  4. Keeps all their change in their mouth
  5. Visits their mother regularly
  6. Politically divergent and argumentative
  7. Collects religious tracts
  8. False beard made of colourful wool
  9. Prone to fits of ennui
  10. Owl wine connoisseur


More things should be considered. Anything to break the monotony of people only wanting to get in the way or fulfil their function. Every person has multitudes and we're all very busy. Roll a thing, live the thing through the NPC even if it never gets mentioned. Don't insist on bringing up owl wine just because they like it, just have that in the back of your head; the manticore that liked owl wine, the democratic orc and so on.
All Artisans learn their trades by taking an apprenticeship. As apprentices, they learn the skills necessary to their profession, earning their keep in the meantime. Sadly, in all too many cases, they also work long hours for little reward and are given all the unpleasant, menial jobs to do, and they may be unlucky enough to have an ill-tempered, drunken, or incompetent master.

Apprentices who leave their masters before completing their apprenticeship have no trade by which to support themselves and many may become vagabonds or adventurers for want of any other way to make a living.

Advance Scheme


Drive Cart
25% chance of Very Resilient
25% chance of Very Strong


Apprentices are trained in the crafts of a particular trade. Use the trade chart give with the Artisan career to determine the character's trade.

All apprentices have a 25% chance of having one skill associated with their trade.


Hand Weapon
Tools appropriate to trade skill (only if the character has a trade skill)

Career Exits

Artisan (same trade only)
Runescribe (Dwarfs only)
Runesmith (Dwarfs only)

Permian Nations

Hey, check it:

This is the first post-troika troika kickstarter. First of many most likely. Like I've said before, the quieter it is the busier I am making stuff. Not that this is mine, it's Evey's. We all know Evey, fellow G+ diaspora person, writes good.

I've got two books for troika fully under way and about 4 more that are being tested for holding my patience. It's a slow process but as soon as something takes it'll snag and unwind a book in no time. Much like Troika did.