Rule of Threes: Factions, Sects, Priesthoods

Factions: Based in Sigil. The most significant philosophical institutions on the planes Sects: Outlier schools of philosophy. Local as a rule, even is that locale is an entire plane Priesthoods: Variable in size and scope, but generally somewhere in between. Specifically a priesthood is only the designated hierarchy of a gods followers, be it a church, pile of shamans, papal feudalism, etc. Lay worshippers have the freedom to be in factions or sects at their discretion, but those who enter the active hierarchy of a gods favour need to commit fully to the experience. Each god is unknowable. Any god made manifest is no more that god than your clipped toenails are you. They are a facet, quite possibly a hardly acknowledged, semi autonomous one. One step from proxies, in other words. Subservient to the greater will of the godhead but not entirely subsumed in it. In this manner pantheons can be made. The dark of is that all members of a pantheon draw their source from a common spring (darker still, the Godsmen would tell you that it goes further, and they in turn draw from a single greater source) and represent human aspects of a single deity. Faction Score Title: Benefits and Duties 0-5 Namer: Benefit1, Restriction 6-10 Factotum1: Benefit2 10-15 Benefit3 15-20 Factor2: Benefit4 25-30 Benefit5 35+ Factol3: Benefit6 NEED A USE FOR POWER KEYS? DIMINISHING RETURNS THE FURTHER FROM GODS SOURCE? Basic hierarchy: Layman - Casual members Deacon - Commited and used Priest - Middle management, leaders of the laymen Legate - Movers Pontifex - Shakers Proxies stand outside the system and can rise from anywhere at the god's whim Each god that plays a significant part in your game should be made in full, but some general examples can be examined. Every priest will get an ability on joining. This will be supplemented on ascension to a higher level of priesthood, or level 5, whichever comes first (the gods can't ignore sucess even if their human messengers can) Maiz: The church of Maiz is concerned with the idea of might making right, blood being power, flesh being transitionary, and eyeballs Score Title: Benefits and Duties 0-5 Namer: Benefit1, Restriction 6-10 Factotum1: Benefit2 10-15 Benefit3 15-20 Factor2: Benefit4 25-30 Benefit5 35+ Factol3: Benefit6 Inititates are mostly thugs and are primarily concerned with smashing skulls for their irrascable patron. Get +1 attack per level (affected by distance from Maiz) They may declare someone as a target for skull taking. All damage they receive in the execution of that skull taking is stored up and unleased in the first hit upon them. If this kills the target the head explodes spectacularly, showering everyone in gore. Qadhi: The church make missions wherever there is sickness and preventable death. Qadhi makes his home on the negative energy plane and does not have any petitioners

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