11 - Exhausted
12 - Bewildered

14 - Belligerent
15 - Cordial
16 - Mollified
21 - Conceited
22 - Sympathetic
23 - Covetous
24 - Disinterested
25 - Impatient
26 - Servile
31 - Sickly
32 - Immature
33 - Merry
34 - Provocative
35 - Content
36 - Infirm
41 - Insolent
42 - Bitter
43 - Melancholic
44 - Resigned
45 - Irksome
46 - Insufferable
51 - Satiated
52 - Regretful
53 - Relieved
54 - Exacerbated
55 - Genial
56 - Optimistic
61 - Irritated
62 - Wrathful
63 - Mirthful
64 - Joyless
65 - Curmudgeonly
66 - Fearful
Genial ogre, irksome knight, content peasant, and so on. Two things jammed together without your input are better for it.
They traditionally dispose of their dead...
- ... after 42 days of treating them like they were still alive
- ... by dumping them in the forest
- ... by cremating them in their house. Then building another on top.
- ... throw them in the sea, no matter how far away it is. If they are washed back up it is an omen of a restless spirit and suggests their ghost doesn't want to leave.
- ... by stacking stones on top of them until they are pulverised. Funeral cairns litter the countryside.
- ... in great big tubs. Special assistants are set with jugs to collect the juices from special spigots. The juices are burned as the true spirit while the corpse is ground up for animal food.
What are you supposed to be ashamed of?
- Pointing
- Bare backs. Capes are essential, but nothing else is.
- Uncovered ears
- Revealing the webbing between your fingers. Most erogenous of zones.
- Boobies (1-2=Just male 3-4=Just female 5-6=Both)
- All skin. All of it.
Traditional beautification
- Teeth filed to the gums
- Ears clipped and jagged
- Split nostrils, cut at the sides making them look like dainty little wings.
- Head flattened with cord and boards as a child
- Gums dyed with lacquer
- Arms bound to the torso up to the elbow, so the truly beautiful walk around like t-rexs.
The ruling order...
- ... are ancient in-bred families
- ... is a foreign culture with its own language and rituals
- ... is a hereditary priesthood
- ... grandmothers, ranked by the quantity of grand children
- ... died out years ago, leaving their silver palaces empty. No one noticed.
- ... are elected per village every year. They consider it a burden and is often used as a punishment.